White Columns
White Columns, located New York City was awarded a Warhol Initiative Fund Grant in order to update its technological systems in a number of ways. The organization developed its website including PDF downloads, audio capacity, video documentation and enhanced general navigation. It also updated its Curated Artist Registry website. The organization undertook a complete overhaul of its entire computer system, switching platforms from PC to Mac, purchasing 5 new individual computers, 1 new MacBook Pro, a new Mac server as well as a Sony Projector for use in video installations. White Columns was able to upgrade software as well as implement a new database using ArtBase8 (linking to their existing QuickBooks program, greatly increasing efficiency with invoicing and inventory). It was lastly able to bring on an internal consultant who helped with the implementation of CollectiveAccess updates, and who worked with CollectiveAccess to identify future areas of functionality development.