The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

Pecha Kucha Order: Night 1 – Osha Thai

Thank you for submitting your Pecha Kucha images to us. If you have not yet submitted your images, there are still slots available on the third and final day-time Pecha Kucha session. Please follow the instructions as previously posted. We will finalize the order for the third day once we have everyone’s submissions in house.

Below is the order for the first night. Your slides have been prepared and are automatically set to advance every 20 seconds. Please be ready as soon as you see the organization ahead of you begin their presentation. The Pecha Kucha will begin immediately prior to the dessert course. Every one will have a little over 6 minutes to speak about their organization. We look forward to a fast-paced and informative evening.

1) Atlanta Contemporary Art Center
3) Locust Projects
4) Exit Art
5) Salina Art Center
6) Aljira
7) Hallwalls
8) Aurora Picture Show
9) SPACE Gallery
10) Soap Factory
11) Artspace, New Haven
12) Smack Mellon
13) LACE
14) Storefront for Art & Architecture