The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

Pecha Kucha: Everybody’s Doing It


Pecha Kucha, a presentation model devised by a group of innovative designers in Tokyo in 2003, factors heavily into the 2011 convening. Inspired by the Japanese term for conversation (“chit chat”), Pecha Kucha allows a large volume of information to be conveyed quickly and in a concise manner.  The formula is 20 images x 20 seconds; twenty images that appear only once and advance at an automatic rate every twenty seconds.

By scheduling Pecha Kucha’s each night of the convening, the goal is to provide an opportunity for every organization to share information about their activities and programming with the entire group. Priority will be given on the first night to organizations new to the Initiative.

Some daytime sessions incorporate the Pecha Kucha format to present multiple perspectives on a single subject, from five models of publishing to ten alternative ways to support artists.

All the Pecha Kucha sessions are optional, but if you’re looking to hear about programs and events from all the organizations in the Initiative, this is a great way to do so.